U.S.A Immigration Law

이민법은 연방법입니다. Title 8에서 외국인과 국적을 다루며 그 세부적인 내용으로 이민에 관한 규정이 있습니다.

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Chap. Sec.
1. General Provisions [Repealed orOmitted]….…………………………………..12. Elective Franchise [Transferred]….313. Civil Rights [Transferred or Re-pealed]..……………………………………….414. Freedmen [Omitted]………………………615. Alien Ownership of Land [Trans-ferred or Omitted]………………………716. Immigration [Transferred, Omit-ted, or Repealed]………………………..1007. Exclusion of Chinese [Omitted orRepealed]…..………………………………..2618. The Cooly Trade [Repealed]………….3319. Miscellaneous Provisions [Re-pealed or Transferred]….……………35110. Alien Registration [Repealed]………45111. Nationality [Repealed or Trans-ferred]………………………………………….50112. Immigration and Nationality………..110113. Immigration and NaturalizationService…………………………………………155114. Restricting Welfare and PublicBenefits for Aliens………………..…….160115. Enhanced Border Security and Visa Entry Reform……….……………..1701CHAPTER 1—GENERAL PROVISIONS§§1 to 18. Repealed or Omitted
These sections, relating to citizenship, were affectedby the Nationality Act of 1940, former section 501 etseq. of this title.That act was passed on Oct. 14, 1940, to consolidateand restate the laws of the United States regardingcitizenship, naturalization, and expatriation, and, inaddition to certain specific repeals thereby, all acts orparts of acts in conflict with its provisions were re-pealed by former section 904 of this title. See the notesbelow for history of individual sections.Section 1, relating to citizenship of persons born inthe United States, was repealed by act Oct. 14, 1940, ch.876, title I, subch. V, §504, 54 Stat. 1172. It was from R.S.§1992, which was revised from act Apr. 9, 1866, ch. 31, §1,14 Stat. 27. Similar provisions were contained in formersection 601(a) of this title. See section 1401 of this title.Section 2, relating to citizenship of persons born inTerritory of Oregon, was from R.S. §1995, which was re-vised from act May 18, 1872, ch. 172, §3, 17 Stat. 134.Sections 3 to 3c, related to citizenship of Indians.Section 3 was from acts Feb. 8, 1887, ch. 119, §6, 24 Stat.390; Mar. 3, 1901, ch. 868, 31 Stat. 1447; May 8, 1906, ch.2348, 34 Stat. 182; Nov. 6, 1919, ch. 95, 41 Stat. 350; Mar.3, 1921, ch. 120, §3, 41 Stat. 1250; June 2, 1924, ch. 233, 43Stat. 253; Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subch. V, §504, 54Stat. 1173. Section 3a was from act June 19, 1930, ch. 544,46 Stat. 787. Section 3b was from acts May 7, 1934, ch.221, §1, 48 Stat. 667; July 23, 1947, ch. 304, §1, 61 Stat. 414.Section 3c was from act May 7, 1934, ch. 221, §2, 48 Stat.667.Section 4, relating to citizenship of Hawaiians, wasfrom act Apr. 30, 1900, ch. 339, §4, 31 Stat. 141. See sec-tion 1405 of this title.Sections 5 and 5a, relating to citizenship of PuertoRicans, were from act Mar. 2, 1917, ch. 145, §§5, 5a, re-spectively, 39 Stat. 953, as amended Mar. 4, 1927, ch. 503,§2, 44 Stat. 1418; May 17, 1932, ch. 190, 47 Stat. 158. Seesection 1402 of this title.Section 5a–1, making a further extension of time forPuerto Ricans to become citizens in cases of misin-formation regarding status, was repealed by act Oct. 14,1940, ch. 876, title I, subch. V, §504, 54 Stat. 1174. It wasfrom act May 16, 1938, ch. 225, 52 Stat. 377. See section1402 of this title.Sections 5b and 5c, relating to citizenship of inhab-itants of the Virgin Islands, were from act Feb. 25, 1927,ch. 192, §§1, 3, respectively, 44 Stat. 1234, 1235, as amend-ed May 17, 1932, ch. 190, 47 Stat. 158; June 28, 1932, ch.283, §5, 47 Stat. 336. See section 1406 of this title.Sections 5d to 9a were repealed by act Oct. 14, 1940,ch. 876, title I, subch. V, §504, 54 Stat. 1174. Sections 5dand 5e, relating to citizenship of persons born in CanalZone or Panama, were from act Aug. 4, 1937, ch. 563, §§1,2, respectively, 50 Stat. 558; see section 1403 of thistitle. Section 6, relating to citizenship of children bornoutside the United States, was from R.S. §1993 (revisedfrom acts Apr. 14, 1802, ch. 28, §4, 2 Stat. 155; Feb. 10,1855, ch. 71, §1, 10 Stat. 604); act Mar. 2, 1907, ch. 2534,§§6, 7, 34 Stat. 1229, as amended May 24, 1934, ch. 344, §1,48 Stat. 797; see sections 1431 to 1433 of this title. Sec-tion 7, relating to citizenship of children of personsnaturalized under certain laws, was from R.S. §2172,which was revised from act Apr. 14, 1802, ch. 28, §4, 2Stat. 155. Section 8, relating to citizenship, upon par-ent’s naturalization, of children born abroad of alienparents, was from act Mar. 2, 1907, ch. 2534, §5, 34 Stat.1229, as amended May 24, 1934, ch. 344, §2, 48 Stat. 797.Section 9, relating to citizenship of women citizens asaffected by marriage, was from acts Sept. 22, 1922, ch.411, §3(a), 42 Stat. 1022; July 3, 1930, ch. 835, §1, 46 Stat.854; Mar. 3, 1931, ch. 442, §4(a), 46 Stat. 1511; see section1435 of this title. Section 9a, relating to repatriation ofnative-born women married to aliens prior to Sept. 22,1922, was from act June 25, 1936, ch. 801, 49 Stat. 1917, asamended July 2, 1940, ch. 509, 54 Stat. 715; see section1435(c) of this title.Section 10, relating to effect of certain repeals oncitizenship of women marrying citizens, was from actSept. 22, 1922, ch. 411, §6, 42 Stat. 1022.Sections 11 and 12, relating to forfeiture of citizen-ship for desertion from armed forces, were repealed byacts Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041, §53, 70A Stat. 644, and Sept.6, 1966, Pub. L. 89–554, §8, 80 Stat. 632. Section 11 wasfrom R.S. §1998 (revised from act Mar. 3, 1865, ch. 79,§21, 13 Stat. 490) as amended by acts Aug. 22, 1912, ch.336, §1, 37 Stat. 356; Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subch.V, §504, 54 Stat. 1172. Section 12 was from R.S. §§1996,1997, which were revised from acts Mar. 3, 1865, ch. 79,§21, 13 Stat. 490, and July 19, 1867, ch. 28, 15 Stat. 14, re-spectively; see sections 1481 and 1483 of this title.Sections 13 and 14, relating to protection of citizenswhen abroad, were transferred to sections 1731 and 1732of Title 22, Foreign Relations and Intercourse.Section 15, R.S. §1999, which relates to right of expa-triation, is now set out as a note under section 1481 ofthis title.Sections 16 to 18, relating to loss of citizenship, wererepealed by act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subch. V,
§§31, 32
§504, 54 Stat. 1172. Section 16 was from act Mar. 2, 1907,ch. 2534, §2, 34 Stat. 1228. Section 17 was from act Mar.2, 1907, ch. 2534, §§2, 7, 34 Stat. 1228, 1229; see sections1481(a), 1482 and 1484 of this title. Section 17a was fromact May 24, 1934, ch. 344, §3, 48 Stat. 797; see section1481(a) of this title. Section 18 was from acts June 29,1906, ch. 3592, §4(12), 34 Stat. 596; May 9, 1918, ch. 69, §1,40 Stat. 545; June 21, 1930, ch. 559, 46 Stat. 791; see sec-tions 1438(a), 1454, 1455, and 1459 of this title.
 Sections 31 and 32 were formerly transferred to sec-tions 1971 and 1972, respectively, of Title 42, The PublicHealth and Welfare, prior to editorial reclassificationand renumbering as sections 10101 and 10102, respec-tively, of Title 52, Voting and Elections.
CHAPTER 3—CIVIL RIGHTS§§41 to 43. Transferred
 Sections 41 to 43 transferred to sections 1981 to 1983,respectively, of Title 42, The Public Health and Wel-fare.
§§44, 45. Repealed. June 25, 1948, ch. 645, §21, 62Stat. 862, eff. Sept. 1, 1948
Section 44, act Mar. 1, 1875, ch. 114, §4, 18 Stat. 336, re-lated to exclusion of jurors on account of race or color.See section 243 of Title 18, Crimes and Criminal Proce-dure.Section 45, acts Mar. 1, 1875, ch. 114, §3, 18 Stat. 336;May 28, 1896, ch. 252, §19, 29 Stat. 184, related to pros-ecutions for banning jurors because of race or color.See section 243 of Title 18.
§§46 to 51. Transferred
 Sections 46 to 51 transferred to sections 1984 to 1987,1989, and 1990, respectively, of Title 42, The PublicHealth and Welfare.
§52. Repealed. June 25, 1948, ch. 646, §39, 62Stat. 992, eff. Sept. 1, 1948
Section, R.S. §1986; acts May 28, 1896, ch. 252, §6, 29Stat. 179; Feb. 26, 1919, ch. 49, §1, 40 Stat. 1182; Feb. 11,1921, ch. 46, 41 Stat. 1099, related to fees of district at-torneys, marshals, and clerks of court.
§§53 to 56. Transferred
 Sections 53 to 56 transferred to sections 1991, 1992,former section 1993, and section 1994, respectively, ofTitle 42, The Public Health and Welfare.
CHAPTER 4—FREEDMEN§§61 to 65. Omitted
 Section 61, R.S. 2032, related to continuation of lawsthen in force.Section 62, R.S. 2033, related to enforcement of lawsby former Secretary of War.Section 63, acts Mar. 3, 1879, ch. 182, §2, 20 Stat. 402;Feb. 1, 1888, ch. 4, §1, 25 Stat. 9; July 1, 1898, ch. 546, 30Stat. 640, related to claims for pay or bounty.Section 64, act July 1, 1902, ch. 1351, 32 Stat. 556, re-lated to retained bounty fund.Section 65, R.S. §2037, related to wives and children ofcolored soldiers.
CHAPTER 5—ALIEN OWNERSHIP OF LAND§§71 to 78. Transferred
 Sections 71 to 78 transferred to sections 1501 to 1508,respectively, of Title 48, Territories and Insular Posses-sions.
§§79 to 82. Omitted
 Sections 79 to 82 related to alien ownership of real es-tate in the District of Columbia. Sections 79 to 81 werefrom act Mar. 3, 1887, ch. 340, §§1, 2, 4, respectively, 24Stat. 476, 477, as specifically excepted from amendmentby act Mar. 2, 1897, ch. 363, 29 Stat. 618 (for said actMar. 3, 1887, as amended by the 1897 act, see sections1501 to 1507 of Title 48, Territories and Insular Posses-sions); and section 82 was from act Mar. 9, 1888, ch. 30,25 Stat. 45.
§§83 to 86. Transferred
 Sections 83 to 86 transferred to sections 1509 to 1512,respectively, of Title 48, Territories and Insular Posses-sions.
§§100, 101. Transferred
 Section 100 transferred to section 1551 of this title.Section 101 transferred to section 1552 of this title.
§102. Repealed. June 27, 1952, ch. 477, title IV,§403(a)(13), 66 Stat. 279, eff. Dec. 24, 1952
Section, acts Feb. 5, 1917, ch. 29, §23, 39 Stat. 892; May14, 1937, ch. 181, 50 Stat. 164; Oct. 29, 1945, ch. 438, 59Stat. 551; Oct. 15, 1949, ch. 695, §5(a), 63 Stat. 880, relatedto administration of immigration laws. See sections1103, 1223(a), and 1260 of this title.
§§103, 103a. Omitted
 Section 103, acts Mar. 2, 1895, ch. 177, §1, 28 Stat. 780;Mar. 4, 1913, ch. 141, §3, 37 Stat. 737; Ex. Ord. No. 6166,§14, June 10, 1933; 1940 Reorg. Plan No. V, eff. June 14,1940, 5 F.R. 2423, 54 Stat. 1238, which related to adminis-tration of alien contract laws, was transferred to sec-tion 342h of former Title 5, Executive Departments andGovernment Officers and Employees, and subsequentlyeliminated from the Code on enactment of Title 5, Gov-ernment Organization and Employees, by Pub. L.89–554, Sept. 6, 1966, 80 Stat. 378. See section 1103 of thistitle.Section 103a, act July 9, 1947, ch. 211, title II, 61 Stat.292, which related to reimbursement by Attorney Gen-eral of certain expenses incurred by other agencies inconnection with administration and enforcement oflaws relating to immigration, etc., was from the De-partment of Justice Appropriation Act, 1948, and wasnot repeated in the Department of Justice Appropria-tion Act, 1949, act June 3, 1948, ch. 400, title II, 62 Stat.316. Similar provisions were contained in the followingprior appropriation acts:July 5, 1946, ch. 541, title II, 60 Stat. 462.May 21, 1945, ch. 129, title II, 59 Stat. 185.June 28, 1944, ch. 294, title II, 58 Stat. 412.July 1, 1943, ch. 182, title II, 57 Stat. 288.
§§117, 118
July 2, 1942, ch. 472, title II, 56 Stat. 483.June 28, 1941, ch. 258, title III, 55 Stat. 292.
§104. Repealed. Dec. 17, 1943, ch. 344, §1, 57 Stat.600
Section, acts June 6, 1900, ch. 791, §1, 31 Stat. 611;Mar. 4, 1913, ch. 141, §3, 37 Stat. 737; Ex. Ord. No. 6166,§14, June 10, 1933; 1940 Reorg. Plan No. V, eff. June 14,1940, 5 F.R. 2423, 54 Stat. 1238, provided that Commis-sioner of Immigration and Naturalization should havecharge, under supervision of Attorney General, of ad-ministration of Chinese exclusion laws.
§105. Repealed. June 27, 1952, ch. 477, title IV,§403(a)(13), 66 Stat. 279, eff. Dec. 24, 1952
Section, act Feb. 5, 1917, ch. 29, §30, 39 Stat. 895, relat-ed to division of information.
§§106 to 106c. Repealed. Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876,title I, subch. V, §504, 54 Stat. 1172
Sections, acts June 29, 1906, ch. 3592, §1, 34 Stat. 596;Mar. 2, 1929, ch. 536, §§1 to 3, 45 Stat. 1512, 1513; Apr. 19,1934, ch. 154, §6, 48 Stat. 598; June 8, 1934, ch. 429, 48Stat. 926; Aug. 7, 1939, ch. 517, 53 Stat. 1243, related toregistry of aliens. Similar provisions were contained informer sections 728, 729, 742(b), and 746(
) of this title.See sections 1230 and 1259 of this title.
§107. Repealed. Pub. L. 89–554, §8(a), Sept. 6,1966, 80 Stat. 637, 642
Section, acts Aug. 18, 1894, ch. 301, §1, 28 Stat 391;Aug. 1, 1914, ch. 223, §1, 38 Stat. 666; June 5, 1920, ch. 235,§1, 41 Stat. 936, provided for appointment of commis-sioners of immigration at the several ports.
§§108, 109. Repealed. June 27, 1952, ch. 477, titleIV, §403(a)(13), 66 Stat. 279, eff. Dec. 24, 1952
Section 108, act Feb. 5, 1917, ch. 29, §23, 39 Stat. 892,related to duties of immigration officers. See section1103(a) of this title.Section 109, acts Feb. 5, 1917, ch. 29, §24, 39 Stat. 893;June 10, 1921, ch. 18, §304, 42 Stat. 24; May 29, 1928, ch.864, 45 Stat. 954; Feb. 21, 1931, ch. 270, 46 Stat. 1205; May2, 1932, ch. 156, 47 Stat. 145; June 20, 1942, ch. 426, 56Stat. 373, related to officers and employees. See sec-tions 1103(a) and 1353 of this title.
§§109a to 109d. Transferred
 Sections 109a to 109c transferred to sections 1353a,1353b, and 1353d, respectively, of this title.Section 109d, acts July 1, 1943, ch. 182, title II, 57 Stat.288; June 28, 1944, ch. 294, title II, 58 Stat. 413; May 21,1945, ch. 129, title II, 59 Stat. 186; July 5, 1946, ch. 541,title II, 60 Stat. 463; July 9, 1947, ch. 211, title II, 61 Stat.292; June 3, 1948, ch. 400, title II, 62 Stat. 316; July 20,1949, ch. 354, title II, 63 Stat. 460; Sept. 6, 1950, ch. 896,ch. III, title II, 64 Stat. 618, which related to employ-ment of interpreters in the Immigration and Natu-ralization Service, was transferred to section 342f offormer Title 5, Executive Departments and Govern-ment Officers and Employees, and subsequently re-pealed by Pub. L. 89–554, Sept. 6, 1966, 80 Stat. 378, 632,which enacted Title 5, Government Organization andEmployees. See section 1555 of this title.
§110. Repealed. June 27, 1952, ch. 477, title IV,§403(a)(25), 66 Stat. 279, eff. Dec. 24, 1952
Section, acts Feb. 27, 1925, ch. 364, title IV, 43 Stat.1049; Aug. 7, 1946, ch. 768, 60 Stat. 865; Mar. 20, 1952, ch.108, §2, 66 Stat. 26, related to arrest of aliens withoutwarrant. See section 1357 of this title.
§111. Transferred
 Section 111 transferred to section 1554 of this title.
§112. Omitted
 Section, act Mar. 4, 1915, ch. 147, §1, 38 Stat. 1151; 1940Reorg. Plan No. V, eff. June 14, 1940, 5 F.R. 2423, 54 Stat.1238, which related to employment of officers andclerks enforcing alien contract labor laws, was trans-ferred to section 342i of former Title 5, Executive De-partments and Government Officers and Employees,and subsequently eliminated from the Code on enact-ment of Title 5, Government Organization and Employ-ees, by Pub. L. 89–554, Sept. 6, 1966, 80 Stat. 378. See sec-tion 1103 of this title.
§113. Repealed. June 27, 1952, ch. 477, title IV,§403(a)(13), 66 Stat. 279, eff. Dec. 24, 1952
Section, act Feb. 5, 1917, ch. 29, §11a, 39 Stat. 882, re-lated to detail of inspectors on vessels.
§114. Omitted
 Section, act Aug. 15, 1919, ch. 50, 41 Stat. 280; 1940Reorg. Plan No. V, eff. June 14, 1940, 5 F.R. 2423, 54 Stat.1238, authorized lease for other than governmental pur-poses of Charleston immigration station and dock con-nected therewith.Section was also classified to section 342k of formerTitle 5, Executive Departments and Government Offi-cers and Employees, and subsequently eliminated fromthe Code on enactment of Title 5, Government Organi-zation and Employees, by Pub. L. 89–554, Sept. 6, 1966,80 Stat. 378.
§§115, 116. Repealed. June 27, 1952, ch. 477, titleIV, §403(a)(13), 66 Stat. 279, eff. Dec. 24, 1952
Section 115, act Feb. 5, 1917, ch. 29, §26, 39 Stat. 894,related to disposal of privileges at immigrant stations.See section 1355(a) of this title.Section 116, act Feb. 5, 1917, ch. 29, §27, 39 Stat. 894,related to local jurisdiction over immigrant stations.See section 1358 of this title.
§§117, 118. Omitted
 Section 117, acts July 12, 1943, ch. 221, title II, 57 Stat.507; June 28, 1944, ch. 302, title II, 58 Stat. 558, relatedto use of the hospital at Ellis Island Immigration Sta-tion for the care of Public Health Service patients. Seesection 1356(a) of this title and section 220 of Title 42,The Public Health and Welfare. Similar provisions werecontained in the following prior appropriation acts,which were repealed by section 1313, formerly section611, of act July 1, 1944, ch. 373, 58 Stat. 714, 718.July 2, 1942, ch. 475, title II, 56 Stat. 581.July 1, 1941, ch. 269, title II, 55 Stat. 481.June 26, 1940, ch. 428, title II, 54 Stat. 585.May 6, 1939, ch. 115, title I, 53 Stat. 668.Mar. 28, 1938, ch. 55, 52 Stat. 133.May 14, 1937, ch. 180, title I, 50 Stat. 149.June 23, 1936, ch. 725, 49 Stat. 1839.May 14, 1935, ch. 110, 49 Stat. 229.Mar. 15, 1934, ch. 70, title I, 48 Stat. 435.Mar. 3, 1933, ch. 212, title I, 47 Stat. 1500.July 5, 1932, ch. 430, title I, 47 Stat. 591.Feb. 23, 1931, ch. 277, title I, 46 Stat. 1228.May 15, 1930, ch. 289, title I, 46 Stat. 347.Dec. 20, 1928, ch. 39, title I, 45 Stat. 1039.Mar. 5, 1928, ch. 126, title I, 45 Stat. 174.Jan. 26, 1927, ch. 58, 44 Stat. 1038.Mar. 2, 1926, ch. 43, 44 Stat. 147.
Jan. 22, 1925, ch. 87, title I, 43 Stat. 775.Apr. 4, 1924, ch. 84, title I, 43 Stat. 75.Jan. 3, 1923, ch. 22, 42 Stat. 1101.Section 118, act Apr. 18, 1930, ch. 184, title IV, 46 Stat.216, which related to motor vehicles and horses for en-forcement of immigration and Chinese exclusion laws,expired with the appropriation act of which it was apart. Similar provisions were contained in the follow-ing prior appropriation acts:Jan. 25, 1929, ch. 102, title IV, 45 Stat. 1137.Feb. 15, 1928, ch. 57, title IV, 45 Stat. 107.Feb. 24, 1927, ch. 189, title IV, 44 Stat. 1223.Apr. 29, 1926, ch. 195, title IV, 44 Stat. 371.Feb. 27, 1925, ch. 364, title IV, 43 Stat. 1049.May 28, 1924, ch. 204, title IV, 43 Stat. 240.Jan. 5, 1923, ch. 24, title II, 42 Stat. 1127.Mar. 28, 1922, ch. 117, title II, 42 Stat. 487.June 12, 1917, ch. 27, §1, 40 Stat. 170.R
 Title XIII, §1313, formerly title VI, §611, of act July1, 1944, which repealed section 117, was renumbered titleVII, §711, by act Aug. 13, 1946, ch. 958, §5, 60 Stat. 1049;§713, by act Feb. 28, 1948, ch. 83, §9(b), 62 Stat. 47; titleVIII, §813, by act July 30, 1956, ch. 779, §3(b), 70 Stat.721; title IX, §913, by Pub. L. 88–581, §4(b), Sept. 4, 1964,78 Stat. 919; title X, §1013, by Pub. L. 89–239, §3(b), Oct.6, 1965, 79 Stat. 931; title XI, §1113, by Pub. L. 91–572,§6(b), Dec. 24, 1970, 84 Stat. 1506; title XII, §1213, by Pub.L. 92–294, §3(b), May 16, 1972, 86 Stat. 137; title XIII,§1313, by Pub. L. 93–154, §2(b)(2), Nov. 16, 1973, 87 Stat.604, and was repealed by Pub. L. 93–222, §7(b), Dec. 29,1973, 87 Stat. 936.
§131. Omitted
 Section, acts Feb. 14, 1903, ch. 552, §7, 32 Stat. 828;Mar. 4, 1913, ch. 141, §3, 37 Stat. 737; 1940 Reorg. PlanNo. V, eff. June 14, 1940, 5 F.R. 2423, 54 Stat. 1238, whichrelated to control of immigration, was transferred tosection 342a of former Title 5, Executive Departmentsand Government Officers and Employees, and subse-quently eliminated from the Code on enactment ofTitle 5, Government Organization and Employees, byPub. L. 89–554, Sept. 6, 1966, 80 Stat. 378.
§§132 to 137–10. Repealed. June 27, 1952, ch. 477,title IV, §403(a)(1), (8), (11), (13), (16), (48), 66Stat. 279, 280, eff. Dec. 24, 1952
Section 132, act Feb. 5, 1917, ch. 29, §2, 39 Stat. 875, re-lated to head tax. See section 1351 of this title.Section 133, act Mar. 4, 1909, ch. 299, §1, 35 Stat. 982,related to covering of moneys into Treasury. See sec-tion 1356(b) of this title.Section 134, act Feb. 3, 1905, ch. 297, §1, 33 Stat. 684,authorized refunds of head taxes erroneously collectedunder act Mar. 3, 1903, ch. 1012, §1, 32 Stat. 1213. Saidact Mar. 3, 1903 was repealed by acts Feb. 20, 1907, ch.1134, §43, 34 Stat. 911; Feb. 5, 1917, ch. 29, §38, 39 Stat.897.Section 135, R.S. §2164, related to State tax or chargeon immigrants.Section 136, acts Feb. 5, 1917, ch. 29, §3, 39 Stat. 875;June 5, 1920, ch. 243, 41 Stat. 981; Mar. 4, 1929, ch. 690,§1(d), 45 Stat. 1551; Sept. 27, 1944, ch. 418, §2, 58 Stat. 746,related to exclusion of aliens. See sections 1102, 1154,and 1182 of this title.Section 137, acts Oct. 16, 1918, ch. 186, §1, 40 Stat. 1012;June 5, 1920, ch. 251, 41 Stat. 1008; June 28, 1940, ch. 439,title II, §23(a), 54 Stat. 673; May 25, 1948, ch. 338, 62 Stat.268; Sept. 23, 1950, ch. 1024, title I, §22, 64 Stat. 1006, re-lated to exclusion of subversive aliens. See sections1101 and 1182 of this title.Section 137–1, acts Oct. 16, 1918, ch. 186, §2, 40 Stat.1012; June 28, 1940, ch. 439, title II, §23(b), 54 Stat. 673;Sept. 23, 1950, ch. 1024, title I, §22, 64 Stat. 1006, relatedto exceptions as to certain aliens seeking temporaryentrance. See section 1182(d)(2) of this title.Section 137–2, acts Oct. 16, 1918, ch. 186, §3, 40 Stat.1012; Sept. 23, 1950, ch. 1024, title I, §22, 64 Stat. 1006, re-lated to prohibition against issuance of visas to subver-sive aliens.Section 137–3, act Oct. 16, 1918, ch. 186, §4, as addedSept. 23, 1950, ch. 1024, title I, §22, 64 Stat. 1006, relatedto deportation of subversive aliens.Sections 137–4 to 137–8, act Oct. 16, 1918, ch. 186, §§5–9,as added Sept. 23, 1950, ch. 1024, title I, §22, 64 Stat. 1006,related to temporary exclusion of suspects, subversivealiens and penalties. See sections 1102, 1182, 1225, 1253,1326 and 1327 of this title.Section 137–9, act Mar. 28, 1951, ch. 23, §1, 65 Stat. 28,related to clarification of immigration status of cer-tain aliens.Section 137–10, act Mar. 28, 1951, ch. 23, §2, 65 Stat. 28,related to recordation of entry for permanent resi-dence.
§137a. Repealed. May 24, 1934, ch. 344, §5, 48Stat. 798
Section, act Sept. 22, 1922, ch. 411, §8, as added July3, 1930, ch. 826, 46 Stat. 849, provided as follows:‘‘§137a. Married woman whose husband is native-borncitizen and veteran of World War. Any woman eligibleby race to citizenship who has married a citizen of theUnited States before July 3, 1930, whose husband shallhave been a native-born citizen and a member of themilitary or naval forces of the United States during theWorld War, and separated therefrom under honorableconditions; if otherwise admissible, shall not be ex-cluded from admission into the United States undersection 136 of this title, unless she be excluded underthe provisions of that section relating to—‘‘(a) Persons afflicted with a loathsome or dangerouscontagious disease, except tuberculosis in any form;‘‘(b) Polygamy;‘‘(c) Prostitutes, procurers, or other like immoralpersons;‘‘(d) Persons convicted of crime:
, That nosuch wife shall be excluded because of offenses commit-ted during legal infancy, while a minor under the ageof twenty-one years, and for which the sentences im-posed were less than three months, and which werecommitted more than five years previous to July 3,1930;‘‘(e) Persons previously deported;‘‘(f) Contract laborers.‘‘After admission to the United States she shall besubject to all other provisions of [former] sections 9and 10 and 367–370 of this title.’’S
 Act May 24, 1934, ch. 344, §5, 48 Stat. 798, providedthat the repeal of this section should not affect anyright or privilege or terminate any citizenship acquiredunder the section before such repeal.
§§137b to 173. Repealed. June 27, 1952, ch. 477,title IV, §403(a)(2), (3), (5), (13), (18), (19), (23),(31), (32), (47), 66 Stat. 279, 280, eff. Dec. 24,1952
Sections 137b to 137d, act Mar. 17, 1932, ch. 85, §§1–3,47 Stat. 67, related to alien musicians. See section1182(a) of this title.Section 138, act Feb. 5, 1917, ch. 29, §4, 39 Stat. 878, re-lated to importation of aliens for immoral purposes.See sections 1326, 1328 and 1329 of this title.Section 139, act Feb. 5, 1917, ch. 29, §5, 39 Stat. 879, re-lated to contract laborers. See section 1330 of this title.Section 140, acts Oct. 19, 1888, ch. 1210, §1, 25 Stat. 566;Apr. 28, 1904, Pub. R. 33, 33 Stat. 591; Mar. 4, 1913, ch.141, §3, 37 Stat. 737, related to rewards to informer.
§§175 to 181
Section 141, act Feb. 26, 1885, ch. 164, §2, 23 Stat. 332,related to validity of contracts for labor of aliens madebefore importation.Section 142, act Feb. 5, 1917, ch. 29, §6, 39 Stat. 879, re-lated to advertisement of employment. See section 1330of this title.Section 143, act Feb. 5, 1917, ch. 29, §7, 39 Stat. 879, re-lated to solicitation of immigration by transportationcompanies. See section 1330 of this title.Section 144, acts Feb. 5, 1917, ch. 29, §8, 39 Stat. 880;Mar. 20, 1952, ch. 108, §1, 66 Stat. 26, related to bringingin or harboring certain aliens. See section 1324(a) ofthis title.Section 145, acts Feb. 5, 1917, ch. 29, §9, 39 Stat. 880;May 26, 1924, ch. 190, §26, 43 Stat. 166, related to bring-ing in aliens subject to disability or afflicted with dis-ease. See section 1322 of this title.Section 146, acts Feb. 5, 1917, ch. 29, §10, 39 Stat. 881;May 26, 1924, ch. 190, §27, 43 Stat. 167, related to preven-tion of unauthorized landing of aliens. See section 1321of this title.Section 147, act Feb. 5, 1917, ch. 27, §11, 39 Stat. 881,related to detention of aliens for observation and exam-ination. See section 1222 of this title.Section 148, acts Feb. 5, 1917, ch. 29, §12, 39 Stat. 882;May 17, 1932, ch. 190, 47 Stat. 158; July 30, 1947, ch. 384,61 Stat. 630, related to lists of passengers arriving ordeparting.Section 149, act Feb. 5, 1917, ch. 29, §13, 39 Stat. 884,related to grouping of alien passengers in lists.Section 150, act Feb. 5, 1917, ch. 29, §14, 39 Stat. 884,related to refusal or failure to furnish alien passengerlist.Section 151, acts Feb. 5, 1917, ch. 29, §15, 39 Stat. 885;Dec. 19, 1944, ch. 608, §1, 58 Stat. 816, related to inspec-tion of alien passengers on arrival. See section 1223(a),(b) of this title.Section 152, acts Feb. 5, 1917, ch. 29, §16, 39 Stat. 885;July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title VII, §713, formerly title VI,§611, 58 Stat. 714, 716, renumbered title VII, §711, Aug.13, 1946, ch. 958, §5, 60 Stat. 1049, renumbered title VII,§713, Feb. 28, 1948, ch. 83, §9(b), 62 Stat. 47, related tophysical and mental examination of alien passengers.See sections 1222 and 1362 of this title.Section 153, act Feb. 5, 1917, ch. 29, §17, 39 Stat. 887,related to boards of special inquiry.Section 154, acts Feb. 5, 1917, ch. 29, §18, 39 Stat. 887;Mar. 4, 1929, ch. 690, §1(e), 45 Stat. 1551; Dec. 19, 1944, ch.608, §2, 58 Stat. 816, related to immediate deportation ofaliens brought in in violation of law.Section 155, acts Feb. 5, 1917, ch. 29, §19, 39 Stat. 889;June 28, 1940, ch. 439, title II, §20, 54 Stat. 671; Dec. 8,1942, ch. 697, 56 Stat. 1044; July 1, 1948, ch. 783, 62 Stat.1206, related to deportation of undesirable aliens gener-ally; see sections 1227 and 1351 of this title. Section 22of act June 28, 1940 provided that no alien should be de-portable by reason of amendments to former section 155of this title by said act, on account of any act commit-ted prior to the date of enactment of that act [June 28,1940].Section 155a, act Sept. 27, 1950, ch. 1052, ch. III, 64Stat. 1048, related to deportation or exclusion proceed-ings unaffected by the Administrative Procedure Act.Section 156, acts Feb. 5, 1917, ch. 29, §20, 39 Stat. 890;July 13, 1943, ch. 230, 57 Stat. 553; Sept. 23, 1950, ch. 1024,title I, §23, 64 Stat. 1010; June 18, 1952, ch. 442, 66 Stat.138, related to control over, and facilitation of deporta-tion. See section 1227 of this title.Section 156a, acts Feb. 18, 1931, ch. 224, 46 Stat. 1171;June 28, 1940, ch. 439, title II, §21, 54 Stat. 673, relatedto deportation of aliens engaged in narcotic traffic.Section 22 of act June 28, 1940, provided that no alienshould be deportable by reason of amendments toformer section 156a of this title by said act, on accountof any act committed prior to the date of enactment ofthat act [June 28, 1940].Section 157, act May 10, 1920, ch. 174, §§1–3, 41 Stat.593, 594, related to deportation of aliens convicted ofwar-time offenses.Sections 158 to 163, act Feb. 5, 1917, ch. 29, §§21–23, 28,39 Stat. 891–894, related to admission of aliens, deten-tion, etc. See sections 1103(a), 1183, and 1327 of thistitle.Section 164, act Feb. 5, 1917, ch. 29, §25, 39 Stat. 893,related to jurisdiction of district courts. See section1329 of this title.Section 165, act Feb. 5, 1917, ch. 29, §31, 39 Stat. 895,related to signing alien on ship’s articles with intent topermit landing in violation of law. See section 1287 ofthis title.Section 166, acts Feb. 5, 1917, ch. 29, §34, 39 Stat. 896;May 26, 1924, ch. 190, §19, 43 Stat. 164, related to landingof excluded seamen. See sections 1282(b) and 1287 of thistitle.Section 167, acts May 26, 1924, ch. 190, §20(a)–(c), 43Stat. 164; Dec. 19, 1944, ch. 608, §4, 58 Stat. 817, relatedto control of alien seamen. See section 1284 of this title.Section 168, act Feb. 5, 1917, ch. 29, §33, 39 Stat. 896,related to paying off or discharging alien seamen. Seesections 1282(a) and 1286 of this title.Section 169, act Feb. 5, 1917, ch. 29, §35, 39 Stat. 896,related to employment on passenger vessels of alienssuffering with mental disabilities. See section 1285 ofthis title.Section 170, act Dec. 26, 1920, ch. 4, 41 Stat. 1082, relat-ed to treatment in hospitals of alien seamen. See sec-tion 1283 of this title.Section 171, act Feb. 5, 1917, ch. 29, §36, 39 Stat. 896,related to lists of aliens employed on vessels arrivingfrom foreign ports. See section 1281 of this title.Section 172, acts Mar. 3, 1893, ch. 206, §8, 27 Stat. 570;Feb. 14, 1903, ch. 552, §7, 32 Stat. 328; Mar. 4, 1913, ch.141, §3, 37 Stat. 737, related to posting of laws by agentsof steamship companies.Section 173, acts Feb. 5, 1917, ch. 29, §§1, 37, 39 Stat.874, 897; June 2, 1924, ch. 233, 43 Stat. 253, related to defi-nitions of aliens, seamen, etc. See section 1101(a)(3),(10), (38), (b)(3), (d)(7) of this title.
§174. Omitted
 Section, acts Aug. 18, 1894, ch. 301, §1, 28 Stat. 390;Feb. 14, 1903, ch. 552, §7, 32 Stat. 828; Mar. 4, 1913, ch.141, §3, 37 Stat. 737; 1940 Reorg. Plan No. V, eff. June 14,1940, 5 F.R. 2423, 54 Stat. 1238, which related to finalityof decisions of immigration officers, was transferred tosection 342j of former Title 5, Executive Departmentsand Government Officers and Employees, and subse-quently eliminated from the Code on enactment ofTitle 5, Government Organization and Employees, byPub. L. 89–554, Sept. 6, 1966, 80 Stat. 378.
§§175 to 181. Repealed. June 27, 1952, ch. 477,title IV, §403(a)(12), (13), (23), (30), (33), 66Stat. 279, eff. Dec. 24, 1952
Section 175, act Feb. 5, 1917, ch. 29, §1, 39 Stat. 874, re-lated to application of laws to Philippine Islands.Section 176, act Mar. 15, 1934, ch. 70, §1, 48 Stat. 435,related to disposition of moneys received or paid for de-tention of aliens. See section 1356(a) of this title.Section 177, act Feb. 5, 1917, ch. 29, §29, 39 Stat. 894,related to international conference for regulation ofimmigration of aliens.Section 178, act Feb. 5, 1917, ch. 29, §38, 39 Stat. 897,provided for the effective date of the act of Feb. 5, 1917,repealed specified provisions, and set forth laws unaf-fected by the enactment of this act.Section 179, act May 26, 1924, ch. 190, §21(b), 43 Stat.165, related to blank forms of manifest and crew lists.See section 1352(b) of this title.Section 180, acts Mar. 4, 1929, ch. 690, §1(a)–(c), 45Stat. 1551; June 24, 1929, ch. 40, 46 Stat. 41, related to re-entry or attempted reentry of deported aliens. See sec-tions 1101(g) and 1326 of this title.Sections 180a to 180d, act Mar. 4, 1929, ch. 690, §§2–5,45 Stat. 1551, 1552, related to reentry or attempted re-entry of deported aliens. See sections 1101, 1182, 1203,and 1325 of this title.Section 181, act May 25, 1932, ch. 203, §7, 47 Stat. 166,related to reentry of deported aliens. See section 1326 ofthis title.
§§201 to 204
§§201 to 204. Repealed. June 27, 1952, ch. 477,title IV, §403(a)(23), (24), 66 Stat. 279, eff.Dec. 24, 1952
Section 201, act May 26, 1924, ch. 190, §1, 43 Stat. 153,related to short title.Section 202, acts May 26, 1924, ch. 190, §2, 43 Stat. 153;Feb. 25, 1925, ch. 316, 43 Stat. 976, related to immigra-tion visas. See sections 1201 and 1351 of this title.Section 203, acts May 26, 1924, ch. 190, §3, 43 Stat. 154;July 6, 1932, ch. 434, 47 Stat. 607; July 1, 1940, ch. 502, §1,54 Stat. 711; Dec. 29, 1945, ch. 652, title I, §7(c), 59 Stat.672, defined immigrant. See section 1101 of this title.Section 204, acts May 26, 1924, ch. 190, §4, 43 Stat. 155;July 3, 1926, ch. 738, §1, 44 Stat. 812; May 29, 1928, ch. 914,§§1, 2, 45 Stat. 1009; July 3, 1930, ch. 835, §3, 46 Stat. 854;July 11, 1932, ch. 471, §1, 47 Stat. 656; May 19, 1948, ch.311, §1, 62 Stat. 241, defined nonquota immigrant. Seesection 1101 of this title.
§§204a, 204b. Omitted
 Sections related to natives of Virgin Islands residingin foreign countries on June 22, 1932, and were based onact June 28, 1932, ch. 283, §§1, 2, 47 Stat. 336. Former sec-tion 204b of this title provided that section 204a shouldnot apply after June 28, 1934.
§§204c to 219. Repealed. June 27, 1952, ch. 477,title IV, §403(a)(23), (36), (44), (45), 66 Stat.279, 280, eff. Dec. 24, 1952
Section 204c, act June 28, 1932, ch. 283, §3, 47 Stat. 336,related to deportation as public charge.Section 204d, act June 28, 1932, ch. 283, §4, 47 Stat. 336,related to definitions.Section 205, act May 26, 1924, ch. 190, §5, 43 Stat. 155,defined quota immigrant.Section 206, acts May 26, 1924, ch. 190, §6, 43 Stat. 155;May 29, 1928, ch. 914, §3, 45 Stat. 1009; July 11, 1932, ch.471, §2, 47 Stat. 656; May 19, 1948, ch. 311, §2, 62 Stat. 241,related to enumeration of preferences within quotas.Section 207, act May 26, 1924, ch. 190, §7, 43 Stat. 156,related to application for visas.Section 208, act May 26, 1924, ch. 190, §8, 43 Stat. 156,related to nonquota immigration visas.Section 209, acts May 26, 1924, ch. 190, §9, 43 Stat. 157;May 14, 1937, ch. 182, §1, 50 Stat. 164, related to visas ofnonquota and preferred immigrants.Section 210, acts May 26, 1924, ch. 190, §10, 43 Stat. 158;June 3, 1948, ch. 403, 62 Stat. 335, related to reentry per-mits.Section 211, acts May 26, 1924, ch. 190, §11, 43 Stat. 159;Mar. 4, 1927, ch. 514, 44 Stat. 1455; Mar. 31, 1928, ch. 306,45 Stat. 400, related to immigration quotas as deter-mined by national origin.Section 212, act May 26, 1924, ch. 190, §12, 43 Stat. 160,related to determination of nationality. See section1152 of this title.Section 212a, acts Dec. 17, 1943, ch. 344, §2, 57 Stat. 601;Aug. 9, 1946, ch. 945, §2, 60 Stat. 975, related to reentrypermits for Chinese persons.Section 212b, act July 2, 1946, ch. 534, §4, 60 Stat. 417,related to reentry permits for Indians and races indige-nous to India.Section 212c, act July 2, 1946, ch. 534, §5, 60 Stat. 417,related to definitions and allocations of quota.Section 213, acts May 26, 1924, ch. 190, §13, 43 Stat. 161;June 13, 1930, ch. 476, 46 Stat. 581; May 14, 1937, ch. 182,§2, 50 Stat. 165; Aug. 9, 1946, ch. 945, §1, 60 Stat. 975, re-lated to compliance with immigration requirements.Section 213a, act May 14, 1937, ch. 182, §3, 50 Stat. 165,related to deportation of alien securing visa throughfraudulent marriage.Section 214, act May 26, 1924, ch. 190, §14, 43 Stat. 162,related to deportation and procedure thereunder.Section 215, acts May 26, 1924, ch. 190, §15, 43 Stat. 162;July 1, 1932, ch. 363, 47 Stat. 524; July 1, 1940, ch. 502, §2,54 Stat. 711; Dec. 29, 1945, ch. 652, title I, §7(d), 59 Stat.672, related to admission of persons excepted from defi-nition of immigrant and nonquota immigrants.Section 216, acts May 26, 1924, ch. 190, §16, 43 Stat. 163;Dec. 19, 1944, ch. 608, §3, 58 Stat. 817, related to unlawfulbringing of aliens into United States by water.Section 217, act May 26, 1924, ch. 190, §17, 43 Stat. 163,related to contracts with transportation lines.Section 218, act May 26, 1924, ch. 190, §18, 43 Stat. 164,related to unused immigration visas.Section 219, act May 26, 1924, ch. 190, §21(a), 43 Stat.165, related to reentry permits.
§220. Repealed. June 25, 1948, ch. 645, §21, 62Stat. 862, eff. Sept. 1, 1948
Section, act May 26, 1924, ch. 190, §22, 43 Stat. 165, re-lated to forging, counterfeiting, etc., of reentry per-mits. See section 1546 of Title 18, Crimes and CriminalProcedure.
§§221 to 227. Repealed. June 27, 1952, ch. 477,title IV, §403(a)(20), (22), (23), (29), 66 Stat.279, eff. Dec. 24, 1952
Section 221, act May 26, 1924, ch. 190, §23, 43 Stat. 165,related to burden of proof upon entry of alien or in de-portation proceedings.Section 222, act May 26, 1924, ch. 190, §24, 43 Stat. 166,related to rules and regulations.Section 223, act May 26, 1924, ch. 190, §25, 43 Stat. 166,related to quota law as additional to other immigrationlaws.Section 224, acts May 26, 1924, ch. 190, §28(a)–(e),(g)–(n), 43 Stat. 168; June 2, 1924, ch. 233, 43 Stat. 253;Oct. 29, 1945, ch. 437, 59 Stat. 551, related to definitions.Section 225, act May 26, 1924, ch. 190, §29, 43 Stat. 169,related to appropriations.Section 226, act May 26, 1924, ch. 190, §32, 43 Stat. 169,related to partial invalidity.Section 226a, act Apr. 2, 1928, ch. 308, 45 Stat. 401, re-lated to American Indians born in Canada.Section 227, act Dec. 27, 1922, ch. 15, 42 Stat. 1065, re-lated to admission of certain aliens in excess of quotas.
§228. Omitted
 Section, act June 7, 1924, ch. 379, 43 Stat. 669, relatedto aliens who entered prior to July 1, 1924 under quotaof 1921, and was omitted as executed.
§§229 to 231. Repealed. June 27, 1952, ch. 477,title IV, §403(a)(17), (23), (27), 66 Stat. 279, eff.Dec. 24, 1952
Section 229, acts May 19, 1921, ch. 8, 42 Stat. 5; May26, 1924, ch. 190, §30, 43 Stat. 169, related to impositionand enforcement of penalties under act May 19, 1921.Section 230, Joint Res. Oct. 16, 1918, ch. 190, 40 Stat.1014, related to alien residents conscripted or vol-unteering for service during World War I.Section 231, act May 26, 1926, ch. 400, 44 Stat. 657, re-lated to admission into Puerto Rico of certain residentSpanish subjects.
§§232 to 237. Omitted
 Sections 232 to 236, act Dec. 28, 1945, ch. 591, §§1–5, 59Stat. 659, relating to admission of alien spouses andminor children of World War II veterans, omitted as ex-pired three years after Dec. 28, 1945.Section 237, act Dec. 28, 1945, ch. 591, §6, added July22, 1947, ch. 289, 61 Stat. 401.
§238. Transferred
 Section transferred to section 1557 of this title.
§§351 to 416§239. Omitted
 Section, acts Aug. 19, 1950, ch. 759, 64 Stat. 464; Mar.19, 1951, ch. 9, 65 Stat. 6, relating to admission of alienspouses and minor children of members of armedforces, expired by its own terms on Mar. 19, 1952.
§§241 to 246. Repealed. June 27, 1952, ch. 477,title IV, §403(a)(28), 66 Stat. 279, eff. Dec. 24,1952
Sections, act May 26, 1926, ch. 398, §§1–6, 44 Stat. 654,655, related to alien veterans of World War I.
 Former chapter 7 of this title included the provisionsof the several Chinese Exclusion acts, beginning withthe temporary act of May 6, 1882, ch. 126, 22 Stat. 58,which, as being then in force, were, by act Apr. 27, 1904,ch. 1630, §5, 33 Stat. 428, amending act Apr. 29, 1902, ch.641, 32 Stat. 176, ‘‘re-enacted, extended, and continued,without modification, limitation, or condition;’’ withthe further provisions of the act and those of subse-quent acts relating to the subject which remained inforce.
§261. Omitted
 Section, acts Feb. 14, 1903, ch. 552, §7, 32 Stat. 828;Mar. 4, 1913, ch. 141, §3, 37 Stat. 737; Ex. Ord. No. 6166,§14, June 10, 1933; 1940 Reorg. Plan No. V, eff. June 14,1940, 5 F.R. 2423, 54 Stat. 1238, conferred upon the Attor-ney General the authority, power, and jurisdiction byvirtue of any law relating to the exclusion from andresidence within the United States, its Territories andthe District of Columbia, of Chinese and persons of Chi-nese descent, and vested in the collectors of customsand collectors of internal revenue, under control of theCommissioner of Immigration and Naturalization, asthe Attorney General might designate therefor, the au-thority, power, and jurisdiction in relation to such ex-clusion previously vested in such officers. It was omit-ted as obsolete in view of the repeal, by act Dec. 17,1943, ch. 344, §1, 57 Stat. 600, of sections 262 to 297 and299 of this title.
§§262 to 297. Repealed. Dec. 17, 1943, ch. 344, §1,57 Stat. 600
Sections, acts May 6, 1882, ch. 126, §§1, 3, 6–13, 15, 16,22 Stat. 59–61; July 5, 1884, ch. 220, 23 Stat. 115–118; Sept.13, 1888, ch. 1015, §§5–11, 13, 14, 25 Stat. 477–479; Oct. 1,1888, ch. 1064, §§1, 2, 25 Stat. 504; May 5, 1892, ch. 60,§§1–3, 5–8, 27 Stat. 25, 26; Nov. 3, 1893, ch. 14, §§1, 2, 28Stat. 7, 8; July 7, 1898, No. 55, §1 (part), 30 Stat. 751; Apr.30, 1900, ch. 339, §1, 31 Stat. 161; June 6, 1900, ch. 791, §1(part), 31 Stat. 611; Mar. 3, 1901, ch. 845, §§1–3, 31 Stat.1093; Apr. 29, 1902, ch. 641, §§1, 2, 4, 32 Stat. 176, 177; Apr.27, 1904, ch. 1630, §5, 33 Stat. 428; Aug. 24, 1912, ch. 355,§1 (part), 37 Stat. 476, related to exclusion of Chineseand persons of Chinese descent from the United Statesor its Territories, and to various matters pertainingthereto, including the requirement of certificates ofpermission and identity by those who might be entitledto entry, exemptions, duties of masters of vessels andFederal officers, arrest, hearing and removal of Chineseunlawfully within the United States or its Territories,habeas corpus, and forfeitures and penalties for viola-tion of the exclusion laws.
§298. Omitted
 Section, acts Mar. 17, 1894, Art. III, 28 Stat. 1211; Apr.28, 1904, ch. 1762, §1, 33 Stat. 478, provided for the Ber-tillon system of identification at the various ports ofentry, to prevent unlawful entry of Chinese into theUnited States. It is obsolete in view of the repeal ofsections 262 to 297 of this title by act Dec. 17, 1943, ch.344, §1, 57 Stat. 600. For some years prior to such act,no moneys had been appropriated to prevent unlawfulentry of Chinese, referred to in this section.
§299. Repealed. Dec. 17, 1943, ch. 344, §1, 57 Stat.600
Section, act June 23, 1913, ch. 3, §1, 38 Stat. 65, pro-vided for delivery by the marshal, of all Chinese per-sons ordered deported under judicial writs, into thecustody of any officer designated for that purpose, forconveyance to the frontier or seaboard for deportation.
CHAPTER 8—THE COOLY TRADE§§331 to 339. Repealed. Pub. L. 93–461, Oct. 20,1974, 88 Stat. 1387
Section 331, R.S. §2158, prohibited cooly trade.Section 332, R.S. §2159; Mar. 3, 1911, ch. 231, §291, 36Stat. 1167, related to forfeiture of vessels engaged incooly trade.Section 333, R.S. §2160, related to penalty for buildingvessels to engage in cooly trade.Section 334, R.S. §2161, related to punishment for en-gaging in cooly trade.Section 335, R.S. §2162, excepted voluntary emigra-tion of coolies from prohibition.Section 336, act Mar. 3, 1875, ch. 141, §1, 18 Stat. 477,related to inquiry and certification by consular offi-cers.Section 337, R.S. §2163, related to examination of ves-sels.Section 338, act Mar. 3, 1875, ch. 141, §2, 18 Stat. 477,related to penalties for involuntary transportation ofChinese, Japanese, and others for purpose of holding toservice.Section 339, act Mar. 3, 1875, ch. 141, §4, 18 Stat. 477,related to punishment for contracting to supply coolylabor.
CHAPTER 9—MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS§§351 to 416. Repealed or transferred
These sections, relating to naturalization, were inlarge degree affected by the Nationality Act of 1940,former section 501 et seq. of this title. That act waspassed on Oct. 14, 1940, to consolidate and restate thelaws of the United States regarding citizenship, natu-ralization, and expatriation, and, in addition to certainspecific repeals thereby, all acts or parts of acts in con-flict with its provisions were repealed by former sec-tion 904 of this title. See notes below for history of in-dividual sections.Sections 351 to 354, relating to Bureau of Naturaliza-tion, were repealed by act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I,subch. V, 54 Stat. 1172. Sections 351 to 353 were from actJune 29, 1906, ch. 3592, §1, 34 Stat. 596, and section 354was from act May 9, 1918, ch. 69, §1, 40 Stat. 544. Seesection 1443 of this title. See also section 1551 et seq. ofthis title for general provisions relating to Immigra-tion and Naturalization Service.Section 355, relating to reports of expenditures of Bu-reau of Naturalization, was repealed by act May 29,1928, ch. 901, §1, 45 Stat. 994. It was from act Mar. 4,1909, ch. 299, §1, 35 Stat. 982.Sections 356 to 358a were repealed by act Oct. 14, 1940,ch. 876, title I, subch. V, §504, 54 Stat. 1172. Section 356,relating to regulations for execution of naturalizationlaws and use of copies of papers in evidence, was fromacts June 29, 1906, ch. 3592, §28, 34 Stat. 606, and Mar. 2,1929, ch. 536, §8, 45 Stat. 1515; see section 1443 of thistitle. Section 356a, relating to quarters for photo-graphic studio in New York City, was from act May 25,1932, ch. 203, §9, 47 Stat. 166; see section 1443(g) of this
§§351 to 416
title. Sections 357 (from act June 29, 1906, ch. 3592, §3,34 Stat. 596, as amended Mar. 3, 1911, ch. 231, §289, 36Stat. 1167; Mar. 4, 1913, ch. 141, §3, 37 Stat. 737; June 25,1936, ch. 804, 49 Stat. 1921), 358 (from act Mar. 2, 1917, ch.145, §41, 39 Stat. 965), and 358a (from act Feb. 25, 1927,ch. 192, §4, 44 Stat. 1235), related to jurisdiction of natu-ralization courts; see section 1421 of this title.Section 359, relating to racial limitation of natu-ralization, was from R.S. §2169 (revised from act July14, 1870, ch. 254, §7, 16 Stat. 256), and acts Feb. 18, 1875,ch. 80, §1, 18 Stat. 318; May 9, 1918, ch. 69, §2, 40 Stat.547. According to a communication of Jan. 8, 1943, theImmigration and Naturalization Service stated that itwas the opinion of that office that said section 359 wassuperseded by former section 703 of this title. See sec-tion 1422 of this title.Section 360, relating to admission of persons not citi-zens owing permanent allegiance to the United States,was repealed by act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subch.V, 54 Stat. 1172. It was from act June 29, 1906, ch. 3592,§30, 34 Stat. 606. See section 1436 of this title.Section 361, relating to period of residence requiredfor citizenship, was repealed by act Mar. 2, 1929, ch. 536,45 Stat. 1514. It was from R.S. §2170, which was revisedfrom act Mar. 3, 1813, ch. 42, §12, 2 Stat. 811. See section1427 of this title.Section 362, forbidding naturalization of citizenswithin thirty days preceding a general election, was re-pealed by act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subch. V,§504, 54 Stat. 1172. It was from act June 29, 1906, ch.3592, §6, 34 Stat. 598. See section 1447(c) of this title.Section 363, making Chinese inadmissible to citizen-ship, was repealed by act Dec. 17, 1943, ch. 344, §1, 57Stat. 600. It was from act May 6, 1882, ch. 126, §14, 22Stat. 61.Sections 364 to 366a, relating to persons inadmissibleto citizenship, were repealed by act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876.title I, subch. V, §504, 54 Stat. 1172. Sections 364 and 365were from act June 29, 1906, ch. 3592, §§7, 8, respectively,34 Stat. 598, 599; see sections 1424 and 1423, respectively,of this title. Section 366 was from acts May 18, 1917, ch.15, §2, 40 Stat. 77; July 9, 1918, ch. 143, §4, 40 Stat. 885.Section 366a was from act Feb. 11, 1931, ch. 118, 46 Stat.1087.Sections 367 to 368a, relating to naturalization ofwomen, were repealed by act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876. titleI, subch. V, §504, 54 Stat. 1172. They were from act Sept.22, 1922, ch. 411, §§1, 2, 3(c), respectively, 42 Stat. 1021,1022, as amended Mar. 3, 1931, ch. 442, §4(a), 46 Stat 1511;May 17, 1932, ch. 190, 47 Stat. 158; May 24, 1934, ch. 344,§4, 48 Stat. 797. On the subject of section 367 see section1422 of this title, and on the subject of 368, see section1430 of this title.Section 368b, relating to citizenship of women born inHawaii prior to June 14, 1900, was repealed by act June27, 1952, ch. 477, title IV, §403(a)(34), 66 Stat. 280. It wasfrom acts July 2, 1932, ch. 395, 47 Stat. 571; July 1, 1940,ch. 495, 54 Stat. 707.Sections 369 and 369a, relating to naturalization ofwomen, were repealed by act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, titleI, subch. V, §504, 54 Stat. 1172. They were from act Sept.22, 1922, ch. 411, §§4, 3(b), respectively, 42 Stat. 1022, asamended July 3, 1930, ch. 835, §2(a), 46 Stat. 854; Mar. 3,1931, ch. 442, §4(a), 46 Stat. 1511. See section 1435(a) ofthis title.Section 370, relating to naturalization of women mar-ried to aliens ineligible to citizenship, was repealed byact Mar. 3, 1931, ch. 442, §4(b), 46 Stat. 1512. It was fromact Sept. 22, 1922, ch. 411, §5, 42 Stat. 1022.Section 371, relating to naturalization of wives andchildren of aliens becoming insane after declaration ofintention to become citizens, was repealed by act May24, 1934, ch. 344, §5, 48 Stat. 798, which provided thatsuch repeal should ‘‘not affect any right or privilege orterminate any citizenship acquired under’’ the sectionbefore its repeal. Section was from act Feb. 24, 1911, ch.151, 36 Stat. 929.Sections 372 to 373 were repealed by act Oct. 14, 1940,ch. 876, title I, subch. V, §504, 54 Stat. 1172. Section 372,relating to procedure for naturalization, was from actJune 29, 1906, ch. 3592, §4, 34 Stat. 596; see section 1421(d)of this title. Section 372a, relating to naturalization offormer citizens, was from act Mar. 3, 1931, ch. 442, §3, 46Stat. 1511. Section 373, relating to declaration of inten-tion to become citizen, was from acts June 29, 1906, ch.3592, §4, 34 Stat. 596; Mar. 4, 1929, ch. 683, §1, 45 Stat.1545; June 20, 1939, ch. 224, §1, 53 Stat. 843; see section1445(f) of this title.Section 374, making it unlawful to make a declara-tion of intention on election day, was repealed by actMay 25, 1926, ch. 388, §1, 44 Stat. 652. It was from actJune 29, 1906, ch. 3592, §4(7), as added May 9, 1918, ch. 69,§1, 40 Stat. 544.Section 375, providing that declarations of intentionshould not be required of widow or minor children ofaliens dying after having filed a declaration of inten-tion, was repealed by act May 24, 1934, ch. 344, §5, 48Stat. 798, which provided that such repeal should ‘‘notaffect any right or privilege or terminate any citizen-ship acquired under’’ the section before its repeal. Sec-tion was from act June 29, 1906, ch. 3592, §4, 34 Stat. 597.Section 375a, act July 2, 1940, ch. 512, §§1, 2, 54 Stat.715, relating to exemption from declaration of inten-tion and filing of petition by children spending child-hood in United States, was repealed by act June 27,1952, ch. 477, title IV, §403(a)(40), 66 Stat. 280.Section 376, providing that alien seamen declarantsshould be deemed citizens for purposes of protection,was repealed by act June 15, 1935, ch. 255, §1, 49 Stat.376. It was from act June 29, 1906, ch. 3592, §4(8), asadded May 9, 1918, ch. 69, §1, 40 Stat. 544.Section 377, authorizing naturalization of certainaliens erroneously exercising rights and duties of citi-zenship prior to July 1, 1920, was repealed by act Oct.14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subch. V, §504, 54 Stat. 1172. Itwas from act June 29, 1906, ch. 3592, §4(10), as added May9, 1918, ch. 69, §1, 40 Stat. 545, and amended May 25, 1932,ch. 203, §10, 47 Stat. 166.Section 377a, related to naturalization of inhabitantsof Virgin Islands. It was from acts Feb. 25, 1927, ch. 192,§2, 44 Stat. 1234; May 17, 1932, ch. 190, 47 Stat. 158.Sections 377b to 382c were repealed by act Oct. 14,1940, ch. 876, title I, subch. V, §504, 54 Stat. 1172. Section377b, requiring lawful entry and certificate of arrival asprerequisite to declaration of intention, was from actsMar. 2, 1929, ch. 536, §4, 45 Stat. 1513; May 25, 1932, ch.203, §6, 47 Stat. 166; similar provisions were containedin former section 729(b) of this title. Section 377c, relat-ing to photographs of aliens seeking to become citi-zens, was from act June 29, 1906, ch. 3592, §36, as addedMar. 2, 1929, ch. 536, §9, 45 Stat. 1516; see section 1444 ofthis title. Section 378, enumerating conditions underwhich alien enemies could be naturalized, was from actJune 29, 1906, ch. 3592, §4(11), as added May 9, 1918, ch.69, §1, 40 Stat. 545; see section 1442 of this title. Section379, relating to petitions for naturalization, was fromact June 29, 1906, ch. 3592, §4, 34 Stat. 596, as amendedMar. 2, 1929, ch. 536, §6(a), 45 Stat. 1513; June 20, 1939,ch. 224, §2, 53 Stat. 843; see sections 1445 and 1446(f) ofthis title. Section 380, providing that certificate of ar-rival and declaration of intention should be made apart of petition for naturalization was from act June29, 1906, ch. 3592, §4, 34 Stat. 596; see section 1445(a), (b)of this title. Section 380a, relating to fees for issuanceof certificates of arrival, was from acts Mar. 2, 1929, ch.536, §5, 45 Stat. 1513; Apr. 19, 1934, ch. 154, §3, 48 Stat.597; see section 1455(a)(2) of this title. Section 380b, de-fining county as used in former sections 379, 382, and 388of this title, was from act June 29, 1906, ch. 3592, §35, asadded Mar. 2, 1929, ch. 536, §9, 45 Stat. 1516, and amend-ed May 17, 1932, ch. 190, 47 Stat. 158. Sections 381 and382(c), relating to oaths of aliens admitted to citizen-ship and certain prerequisites to admission, respec-tively, were from acts June 29, 1906, ch. 3592, §4, 34 Stat.596; Mar. 2, 1929, ch. 536, §6b, 45 Stat. 1513; June 25, 1936,ch. 811, §1, 49 Stat. 1925; June 29, 1938, ch. 819, 52 Stat.1247; June 20, 1939, ch. 224, §3, 53 Stat. 844; on the sub-ject of section 381 see section 1448 of this title; and onthe subject of section 382 see sections 1427, 1430(b) and1446(g) of this title. Sections 382a, relating to absence
§§351 to 416
from country as affecting continuity of residence forpurpose of naturalization, was from act June 25, 1936,ch. 811, §2, 49 Stat. 1925; see section 1427(c) of this title.Sections 382b and 382c, relating to temporary absencesof clergymen as affecting continuity of residence, werefrom act Aug. 9, 1939, ch. 610, §§1, 2, respectively, 53Stat. 1273; see sections 1428 and 1443(a), respectively, ofthis title.Section 383, relating to proof of residence by deposi-tion, was repealed by act Mar. 2, 1929, ch. 536, §6(e), 45Stat. 1514. It was from act June 29, 1906, ch. 3592, §10,34 Stat. 599.Section 384, relating to residence of aliens serving onvessels of foreign registry, was repealed by act Oct. 14,1940, ch. 876, title I, subch. V, §504, 54 Stat. 1172. It wasfrom act June 29, 1906, ch. 3592, §4(7), as added May 9,1918, ch. 69, §1, 40 Stat. 544; amended May 25, 1932, ch.203, §3, 47 Stat. 165. See section 1441(a)(2) of this title.Section 385, related to validation of Hawaiian juris-diction exercised prior to Sept. 27, 1906. It was fromacts Apr. 30, 1900, ch. 339, §100, 31 Stat. 161; May 27, 1910,ch. 258, §9, 36 Stat. 448; Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I,subch. V, §504, 54 Stat. 1172.Sections 386 to 389 were repealed by act Oct. 14, 1940,ch. 876, title I, subch. V, §504, 54 Stat. 1172. Section 386,providing for the renunciation of titles of nobility byaliens seeking citizenship, was from act June 29, 1906,ch. 3592, §4, 34 Stat. 596; see section 1448(b) of this title.Section 387, relating to reimbursement for publicationof citizenship textbooks, was from act June 29, 1906, ch.3592, §4(9), as added May 9, 1918, ch. 69, §1, 40 Stat. 544;see sections 1443 (b) and 1457 of this title. Section 388,relating to residence requirements for certain Filipinosand Puerto Ricans serving in military service, wasfrom act June 29, 1906, ch. 3592, §4(7), as added May 9,1918, ch. 69, §1, 40 Stat. 542; June 4, 1920, ch. 227, §30, 41Stat. 776; Mar. 2, 1929, ch. 536, §6(c), (d), 45 Stat. 1514;May 17, 1932, ch. 190, 47 Stat. 158; May 25, 1932, ch. 203,§2(a), 47 Stat. 165; July 30, 1937, ch. 545, §3, 50 Stat. 548;see sections 1427, 1439, and 1441(a)(1) of this title. Sec-tion 389, relating to residence of aliens conditionallyserving in military services after honorable discharge,was from act June 29, 1906, ch. 3592, §4(7), as added May9, 1918, ch. 69, §1, 40 Stat. 542.Section 389a, relating to naturalization of alien veter-ans of World War I, was repealed by act June 27, 1952,ch. 477, title IV, §403(a)(37), 66 Stat. 280. It was from actAug. 19, 1937, ch. 698, §2, as added Aug. 16, 1940, ch. 684,54 Stat. 789.Sections 390 to 392, relating to naturalization of alienveterans of World War I, were repealed by act Oct. 14,1940, ch. 876, title I, subch. V, §504, 54 Stat. 1172. Theywere from act June 29, 1906, ch. 3592, §§4(7), 4(13), and4(7), respectively, as added May 19, 1918, ch. 69, §1, 40Stat. 542 to 544. See section 1439 of this title.Sections 392a to 392d related to naturalization ofalien veterans of World War I. Sections 392b to 392dwere repealed by act Oct. 11, 1940, ch. 876 title I, subch.V, §504, 54 Stat. 1172. Section 392a was from acts May26, 1926, ch. 398, §7, 44 Stat. 655; Mar. 4, 1929, ch. 683, §3,45 Stat. 1546. Sections 392b to 392d were from acts May25, 1932, ch. 203, §1, 47 Stat. 165; Ex. Ord. No. 6166, §14,June 10, 1933; June 24, 1935, ch. 288, §§1 to 3, 49 Stat. 395;Aug. 23, 1937, ch. 735, §§1 to 3, 50 Stat. 743, 744; June 21,1939, ch, 234, §§1 to 3, 53 Stat. 851.Sections 392e to 398 were repealed by act Oct. 14, 1940,ch. 876, title I, subch. V, §504, 54 Stat. 1172. Sections392e to 392g, relating to naturalization of alien veteransof World War I formerly ineligible because of race, werefrom act June 24, 1935, ch. 290, §§1–3, respectively, 49Stat. 397, 398. Sections 393 to 395, relating to naturaliza-tion of alien veterans, were from act June 29, 1906, ch.3592, §4(7), as added May 9, 1918, ch. 69, §§1, 2, 40 Stat.543; see sections 1439 and 1441(a)(1) of this title. Sec-tions 396 to 398, relating to time of filing petition, sub-poena of witnesses, and final hearings on petitions, re-spectively, were from act June 29, 1906, ch. 3592, §§6, 5,9, respectively, 34 Stat. 598, 599, as amended Mar. 3,1931, ch. 442, §§1, 2, 46 Stat. 1511; see sections 1445(c) and1447(a), (e) of this title.Section 398a, act May 3, 1940, ch. 183, §2, 54 Stat. 178,related to patriotic address to new citizens. See section1448a of this title.Sections 399 to 402 were repealed by act Oct. 14, 1940,ch. 876, title I, subch. V, §504, 54 Stat. 1172. Section 399,authorizing the United States to appear and oppose theright of aliens to naturalization, was from act June 29,1906, ch. 3592, §11, 34 Stat. 599; see section 1447 of thistitle. Section 399a, relating to preliminary examinationof petitioners for naturalization, was from act June 8,1926, ch. 502, 44 Stat. 709; see sections 1446 and 1447 ofthis title. Sections 399b to 399d, relating to certificatesof citizenship, were from acts June 29, 1906, ch. 3592,§§32 to 34, respectively, as added Mar. 2, 1929, ch. 536, §9,45 Stat. 1515; amended May 25, 1932, ch. 203, §§4, 5, 47Stat. 165; Apr. 19, 1934, ch. 154, §§2, 4, 48 Stat. 597; seesections 1452, 1454 and 1455(g) of this title. Section 399e,relating to annual reports of Commissioner of Immi-gration, was from act Mar. 2, 1929, ch. 536, §10, 45 Stat.1516; see section 1458 of this title. Section 399f, relatingto counsel fees in naturalization proceedings, was fromact Apr. 19, 1934, ch. 154, §5, 48 Stat. 598; see section 1455of this title. Sections 400 to 402, relating to clerks ofnaturalization courts and their fees and clerical assist-ants, were from acts June 29, 1906, ch. 3592, §§12, 13, 34Stat. 599, as amended June 25, 1910, ch. 401, §1, 36 Stat.829; Mar. 4, 1913, ch. 141, §3, 37 Stat. 737; June 12, 1917,ch. 27, §1, 40 Stat. 171; Feb. 26, 1919, ch. 49, §§1, 2, 40Stat. 1182; Feb. 11, 1921, ch. 46, 41 Stat. 1099; Mar. 4, 1921,ch. 161, §1, 41 Stat. 1412; June 10, 1921, ch. 18, §304, 42Stat. 24; Mar. 2, 1929, ch. 536, §7(a), 45 Stat. 1514; andApr. 19, 1934, ch. 154, §1, 48 Stat. 597; see sections1450(a)–(d), 1455, and 1459(b), (c) of this title.Section 402a, related to disposition of fees received byclerks of courts. It was from act Mar. 2, 1929, ch. 536,§7(b), 45 Stat. 1515; Ex. Ord. No. 6166, §14, June 10, 1933.See section 1455(e) of this title.Sections 403 to 405 were repealed by act Oct. 14, 1940,ch. 876, title I, subch. V, §504, 54 Stat. 1172. Sections 403and 404, relating to fees collectible from alien soldiers,and to recording declarations and petitions, respec-tively, were from act June 29, 1906, ch. 3592, §§4(7), 14,respectively, 34 Stat. 601, as amended May 9, 1918, ch.69, §1 40 Stat. 544; see sections 1450(e) and 1455(h) of thistitle. Section 405, relating to cancellation of certifi-cates of citizenship, was from acts June 29, 1906, ch.3592, §15, 34 Stat. 601; May 9, 1918, ch. 69, §1, 40 Stat. 544;see section 1451 of this title.Sections 406 and 407 validated certain certificates ofnaturalization. They were from acts May 9, 1918, ch. 69,§3, 40 Stat. 548, and June 29, 1906, ch. 3624, §1, 34 Stat.630, respectively.Sections 408 to 415 were repealed by act Oct. 14, 1940,ch. 876, title I, subch. V, §504, 54 Stat. 1172. Sections 408and 409, relating to naturalization forms, were from actJune 29, 1906, ch. 3592, §§3, 27, respectively, 34 Stat. 596,603; Mar. 4, 1913, ch. 141, §3, 37 Stat. 737; May 9, 1918, ch.69, §3, 40 Stat. 548; on the subject of section 408 see sec-tions 1421(c) and 1443(c) of this title, and on the subjectof section 409 see sections 1445(a)–(d), (f), and 1449 ofthis title. Sections 410 to 415, relating to the punish-ment of crimes in connection with the naturalization ofaliens, were from act June 29, 1906, ch. 3592, §§18, 20–24,respectively, 34 Stat. 602, 603; present provisions arecontained in sections 1451(a), (b), (d), (e), (g)–(i) and 1459of this title and sections 911, 1015, 1421–1429, 1719 and3282 of Title 18, Crimes and Criminal Procedure.Section 416, authorizing punishment of offensesagainst naturalization laws committed prior to May 9,1918, under laws then in effect but since repealed, wasrepealed by act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subch. V,§504, 54 Stat. 1172. It was from act May 9, 1918, ch. 69,§2, 40 Stat. 547. See note set out under section 1101 ofthis title.
§§451 to 460CHAPTER 10—ALIEN REGISTRATION§§451 to 460. Repealed. June 27, 1952, ch. 477,title IV, §403(a)(39), 66 Stat. 280, eff. Dec. 24,1952
Section 451, act June 28, 1940, ch. 439, title III, §30, 54Stat. 673, required an alien seeking entry into UnitedStates to be registered and fingerprinted before the is-suance to him of a visa. See sections 1201(b) and 1301 ofthis title.Section 452, act June 28, 1940, ch. 439, title III, §31, 54Stat. 673, related to registration of aliens in UnitedStates. See section 1302 of this title.Section 453, act June 28, 1940, ch. 439, title III, §32, 54Stat. 674, related to special provisions governing reg-istration. See section 1303 of this title.Section 454, act June 28, 1940, ch. 439, title III, §33, 54Stat. 674, related to places of registration and duties ofpostmasters.Section 455, act June 28, 1940, ch. 439, title III, §34, 54Stat. 674, related to forms and procedure, confidentialstatus of records and oaths in connection with the reg-istration and fingerprinting of aliens. See section 1304of this title.Section 456, acts June 28, 1940, ch. 439, title III, §35,54 Stat. 675; Sept. 23, 1950, ch. 1024, title I, §24(a), 64Stat. 1012, related to notice of change of address. Seesection 1305 of this title.Section 457, acts June 28, 1940, ch. 439, title III, §36,54 Stat. 675; Oct. 13, 1941, ch. 432, 55 Stat. 736; Sept. 23,1950, ch. 1024, title I, §24(b), 64 Stat. 1013, related to pen-alties. See section 1306 of this title.Section 458, act June 28, 1940, ch. 439, title III, §37, 54Stat. 675, related to administration and enforcement ofregistration law. See section 1306 of this title.Section 459, act June 28, 1940, ch. 439, title III, §38, 54Stat. 675, related to definitions and effective date. Seesection 1101(a)(8), (38) of this title.Section 460, act June 28, 1940, ch. 439, title III, §39, 54Stat. 676, related to registration of aliens in CanalZone.N
1940On October 14, 1940, and subsequent to the enactmentof former section 451 et seq. of this title, Congresspassed the Nationality Act of 1940 [former section 501 etseq. of this title] for the purpose of consolidating andrestating the laws of the United States upon citizen-ship, naturalization and expatriation. Said act con-tained further provisions relating to registry of aliens[former sections 728 and 746(
) of this title], and formersection 504 thereof, in addition to certain specific re-peals, provided that all acts or parts of acts in conflicttherewith were thereby repealed.
§§501 to 504. Repealed. June 27, 1952, ch. 477,title IV, §403(a)(42), 66 Stat. 280, eff. Dec. 24,1952
Sections, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subch. I,§§101–104, 54 Stat. 1137, 1138, related to definitions andplace of general abode. See various provisions of sec-tion 1101 of this title.
§§601 to 605. Repealed. June 27, 1952, ch. 477,title IV, §403(a)(42), 66 Stat. 280, eff. Dec. 24,1952
Section 601, acts Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subch.II, §201, 54 Stat. 1138; July 31, 1946, ch. 708, 60 Stat. 721,related to persons born nationals and citizens. See sec-tion 1401 of this title.Sections 602 to 605, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I,subch. II, §§202–205, 54 Stat. 1139, related to citizens bybirth in Puerto Rico, Canal Zone or Panama, nationalsbut not citizens and children born out of wedlock. Seesections 1402, 1403, 1408, 1409(a), (c), and 1407, respec-tively, of this title.
§606. Transferred
 Section transferred to section 1421
of Title 48, Terri-tories and Insular Possessions. That section was laterrepealed. See section 1407 of this title.
§§701 to 724a. Repealed. June 27, 1952, ch. 477,title IV, §403(a)(40), (42), 66 Stat. 279, 280, eff.Dec. 24, 1952
Section 701, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap.III, §301, 54 Stat. 1140, related to jurisdiction to natu-ralize. See section 1421 of this title.Section 702, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap.III, §302, 54 Stat. 1140, related to sex or marriage, as af-fecting eligibility for naturalization. See section 1422 ofthis title.Section 703, acts Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap.III, §303, 54 Stat. 1140; Dec. 17, 1943, ch. 344, §3, 57 Stat.601; July 2, 1946, ch. 534, §1, 60 Stat. 416; Aug. 1, 1950, ch.512, §4(b), 64 Stat. 385, related to races affecting eligi-bility. See section 1422 of this title.Section 704, acts Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap.III, §304, 54 Stat. 1140; Sept. 23, 1950, ch. 1024, title I, §30,64 Stat. 1018, related to language, history and principlesof government affecting eligibility. See section 1423 ofthis title.Section 705, acts Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap.III, §305, 54 Stat. 1141; Sept. 23, 1950, ch. 1024, title I, §25,64 Stat. 1013, related to exclusion from naturalization.See sections 1424(a)–(c), 1427(f), and 1451(c) of this title.Section 706, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap.III, §306, 54 Stat. 1141, related to desertion from thearmed forces or evasion of draft as affecting eligibility.See section 1425 of this title.Section 707, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap.III, §307, 54 Stat. 1142, related to residence as affectingeligibility. See sections 1427(a)–(c) and 1441(a)(2) of thistitle.Section 708, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap.III, §308, 54 Stat. 1143, related to temporary absence ofclergyman as affecting eligibility. See section 1428 ofthis title.Section 709, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap.III, §309, 54 Stat. 1143, related to requirements as toproof of eligibility. See sections 1446(f)–(h) and 1447(e)of this title.Section 710, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap.III, §310, 54 Stat. 1144, related to married persons beingexcepted from certain requirements. See section 1430(a)of this title.Section 711, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap.III, §311, 54 Stat. 1145, related to spouse of UnitedStates citizen residing in United States, in maritalunion prior to petition. See section 1430(a) of this title.Section 712, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap.III, §312, 54 Stat. 1145, related to alien whose spouse isUnited States citizen regularly stationed abroad byUnited States employer. See section 1430(b) of thistitle.Section 713, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap.III, §313, 54 Stat. 1145, related to children born outsideUnited States, one parent a continuous United Statescitizen and the other an alien subsequently naturalized.See section 1431 of this title.Section 714, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap.III, §314, 54 Stat. 1145, related to children born outsideUnited States, both parents aliens, or one an alien andthe other a citizen subsequently losing citizenship.
§§728 to 746
Section 715, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap.III, §315, 54 Stat. 1146, related to children born of oneparent a United States citizen. See section 1433 of thistitle.Section 716, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap.III, §316, 54 Stat. 1146, related to children adopted byUnited States citizens. See section 1434(a) of this title.Section 717, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap.III, §317, 54 Stat. 1146, related to former citizens beingexcepted from certain requirements. See sections1435(a), (c) and 1482 of this title.Sections 718 to 720, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I,subchap. III, §§318–320, 54 Stat. 1147, 1148, related respec-tively to citizenship lost by parent’s expatriation,minor child’s citizenship lost through cancellation ofparent’s naturalization and the exception from certainrequirements of persons misinformed of citizenshipstatus. Sections 718 and 719 are covered by sections 1482and 1451(f), respectively, of this title.Section 720a, act July 2, 1940, ch. 512, §§1, 2, 54 Stat.715, related to aliens spending childhood in UnitedStates as excepted from certain requirements.Section 721, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap.III, §321, 54 Stat. 1148, related to nationals but not citizens of the United States. See section 1436 of this title.Section 721a, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap.III, §321a, as added July 2, 1946, ch. 534, §2, 60 Stat. 417,related to resident Filipinos excepted from certain re-quirements. See section 1437 of this title.Section 722, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap.III, §322, 54 Stat. 1148, related to persons born in PuertoRico of alien parents. See section 1402 of this title.Section 723, acts Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap.III, §323, 54 Stat. 1149; Apr. 2, 1942, ch. 208, 56 Stat. 198;Aug. 7, 1946, ch. 769, 60 Stat. 865; Aug. 16, 1951, ch. 321,§2, 65 Stat. 191, related to former United States citizenslosing citizenship by entering armed forces of non-enemy countries during World Wars I and II. See sec-tion 1438(a) of this title.Section 723a, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap.III, §323a, as added Dec. 7, 1942, ch. 690, 56 Stat. 1041, re-lated to naturalization of persons serving in the armedforces of United States during World War I and earlierwars. See section 1440(a) of this title.Section 724, acts Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap.III, §324, 54 Stat. 1149; July 2, 1946, ch. 534, §3, 60 Stat.417, related to persons serving in the armed forces ofthe United States. See section 1439 of this title.Section 724a, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap.III, §324a, as added June 1, 1948, ch. 360, §1, 62 Stat. 282;amended June 29, 1949, ch. 274, 63 Stat. 282, related topersons serving on active duty in armed forces ofUnited States during World Wars I and II. See section1440(a)–(c) of this title.
§724a–1. Transferred
 Section, acts June 30, 1950, ch. 443, §4, 64 Stat. 316;June 27, 1952, ch. 477, title IV, §402(e), 66 Stat. 276, is setout as a note under section 1440 of this title.
§§725 to 727. Repealed. June 27, 1952, ch. 477,title IV, §403(a)(42), 66 Stat. 280, eff. Dec. 24,1952
Section 725, acts Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap.III, §325, 54 Stat. 1150; Sept. 23, 1950, ch. 1024, title I, §26,64 Stat. 1015, related to aliens serving on certain UnitedStates vessels. See section 1441(a)(1) of this title.Section 726, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap.III, §326, 54 Stat. 1150, related to alien enemies. See sec-tion 1442(a)–(c), (e) of this title.Section 727, acts Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap.III, §327, 54 Stat. 1150; May 16, 1947, ch. 72, 61 Stat. 97,related to administration of naturalization laws. Seesection 1443 of this title.
§727a. Repealed. Feb. 29, 1952, ch. 49, §3, 66 Stat.10
Section, act May 3, 1940, ch. 183, §2, 54 Stat. 178, relat-ed to patriotic address to new citizens. See section1448a of this title.
§§728 to 746. Repealed. June 27, 1952, ch. 477,title IV, §403(a)(42), (46), 66 Stat. 280, eff.Dec. 24, 1952
Section 728, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap.III, §328, 54 Stat. 1151, related to registration of aliens.See sections 1230 and 1259 of this title.Section 729, acts Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap.III, §329, 54 Stat. 1152; Sept. 23, 1950, ch. 1024, title I, §27,64 Stat. 1015, related to certificate of arrival. See sec-tion 1429 of this title.Section 730, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap.III, §330, 54 Stat. 1152, related to photographs. See sec-tion 1444 of this title.Section 731, acts Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap.III, §331, 54 Stat. 1153; May 31, 1947, ch. 87, §1, 61 Stat.121, related to declaration of intention. See section1445(f) of this title.Section 732, acts Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap.III, §332, 54 Stat. 1154; May 31, 1947, ch. 87, §2, 61 Stat.122; June 25, 1948, ch. 656, 62 Stat. 1026, related to peti-tion for naturalization. See section 1445(a)–(d) of thistitle.Section 732a, act May 31, 1947, ch. 87, §5, 61 Stat. 122,related to waiver of appearance or petition for natu-ralization. See section 1445(e) of this title.Section 733, acts Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap.III, §333, 54 Stat. 1156; Sept. 23, 1950, ch. 1024, title I,§28(a), 64 Stat. 1016, related to hearings on petitions.See section 1446(a)–(e) of this title.Section 734, acts Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap.III, §334, 54 Stat. 1156; May 31, 1947, ch. 87, §3, 61 Stat.122; Sept. 23, 1950, ch. 1024, title I, §28(b), 64 Stat. 1016,related to final hearings. See section 1447(a)–(d), (f) ofthis title.Section 735, acts Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap.III, §335, 54 Stat. 1157; May 31, 1947, ch. 87, §4, 61 Stat.122; Sept. 23, 1950, ch. 1024, title I, §29, 64 Stat. 1017, re-lated to oath of renunciation and allegiance. See sec-tion 1448 of this title.Section 736, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap.III, §336, 54 Stat. 1157, related to certificate of natu-ralization. See section 1449 of this title.Section 737, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap.III, §337, 54 Stat. 1158, related to functions and duties ofthe clerks of courts. See sections 1449 and 1450 of thistitle.Section 738, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap.III, §338, 54 Stat. 1158, related to revocation of natu-ralization. See section 1451(a), (b), (d), (e), (g)–(i) of thistitle.Section 739, acts Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap.III, §339, 54 Stat. 1160; Jan. 20, 1944, ch. 2, §3, 58 Stat. 4;July 23, 1947, ch. 304, §2, 61 Stat. 414, related to certifi-cates of derivative citizenship. See section 1452 of thistitle.Section 740, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap.III, §340, 54 Stat. 1160, related to revocation of certifi-cates issued by the commissioner or deputy. See sec-tion 1453 of this title.Section 741, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap.III, §341, 54 Stat. 1160, related to documents and copiesissued by commissioner or deputy. See section 1454 ofthis title.Section 742, acts Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap.III, §342, 54 Stat. 1161; Jan. 20, 1944, ch. 2, §3, 58 Stat. 5;Sept. 27, 1944, ch. 415, 58 Stat. 745; Sept. 28, 1944, ch. 446,§§1, 2, 58 Stat. 755; Nov. 21, 1945, ch. 490, 59 Stat. 585;July 1, 1947, ch. 194, 61 Stat. 240, related to fiscal provi-sions. See section 1455 of this title.Sections 743 to 745, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I,subchap. III, §§343–345, 54 Stat. 1163, related to mail,textbooks, and compilation of naturalization statistics.See sections 1457 and 1458 of this title.
Section 746, acts Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap.III, §346, 54 Stat. 1163; June 25, 1948, ch. 645, §21, 62 Stat.862, related to penal provisions. See section 1459 of thistitle and sections 911, 1015, 1421–1429, 1719, and 3282 ofTitle 18, Crimes and Criminal Procedure.
§747. Repealed. June 25, 1948, ch. 645, §21, 62Stat. 862, eff. Sept. 1, 1948
Section, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap. III,§347, 54 Stat. 1168, related to saving clauses. Similarsubject matter is contained in note under section 1101of this title.
§800. Transferred
 Section, R.S. §1999, is set out as a note under section1481 of this title.
§§801 to 810. Repealed. June 27, 1952, ch. 477,title IV, §403(a)(42), 66 Stat. 280, eff. Dec. 24,1952
Section 801, acts Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap.IV, §401, 54 Stat. 1168; Jan. 20, 1944, ch. 2, §1, 58 Stat. 4;July 1, 1944, ch. 368, §1, 58 Stat. 677; Sept. 27, 1944, ch.418, §1, 58 Stat. 746, related to general means of losingUnited States nationality. See section 1481(a) of thistitle.Section 802, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap.IV, §402, 54 Stat. 1169, related to presumption of expa-triation. See section 1482 of this title.Section 803, acts Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap.IV, §403, 54 Stat. 1169; July 1, 1944, ch. 368, §2, 58 Stat.677, related to restrictions on expatriation. See sections1482 and 1483(b) of this title.Section 804, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap.IV, §404, 54 Stat. 1170, related to expatriation of natu-ralized nationals by residence abroad. See section1484(a) of this title.Section 805, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap.IV, §405, 54 Stat. 1170, related to exceptions in the caseof persons employed or compensated by United Stateswhile residing abroad. See section 1485(1), (2) of thistitle.Section 806, acts Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap.IV, §406, 54 Stat. 1170; Dec. 8, 1942, ch. 696, 56 Stat. 1043;Dec. 24, 1942, ch. 819, 56 Stat. 1085, related to additionalexceptions. See section 1485(3)–(9) of this title.Section 807, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap.IV, §407, 54 Stat. 1170, related to minor children of nat-uralized nationals losing nationality by foreign resi-dence. See section 1487 of this title.Section 808, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap.IV, §408, 54 Stat. 1171, related to exclusiveness of meansof losing nationality. See section 1488 of this title.Section 809, acts Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap.IV, §409, 54 Stat. 1171; Oct. 16, 1941, ch. 446, 55 Stat. 743;Oct. 9, 1942, ch. 585, 56 Stat. 779; Sept. 27, 1944, ch. 419,58 Stat. 747; Oct. 11, 1945, ch. 410, 59 Stat. 544, related tonationality not lost under sections 804 or 807 until Oc-tober, 1942. See section 1487 of this title.Section 810, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap.IV, §410, 54 Stat. 1171, related to chapter being inap-plicable where it contravened convention of treaties.See section 1489 of this title.
§§901 to 903. Repealed. June 27, 1952, ch. 477,title IV, §403(a)(42), 66 Stat. 280, eff. Dec. 24,1952
Section 901, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap.V, §501, 54 Stat. 1171, related to procedure when diplo-matic officials believe that persons in foreign statehave lost American nationality. See section 1501 of thistitle.Section 902, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap.V, §502, 54 Stat. 1171, related to certificates of national-ity for non-naturalized United States nationals. Seesection 1502 of this title.Section 903, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap.V, §503, 54 Stat. 1171, related to judicial proceedings fordeclaration of United States nationality in event of de-nial of rights and privileges as national. See section1503 of this title.
§§903a, 903b. Transferred
 Sections 903a and 903b transferred to sections 1731 and1732, respectively, of Title 22, Foreign Relations andIntercourse.
§§904 to 907. Repealed. June 27, 1952, ch. 477,title IV, §403(a)(42), 66 Stat. 280, eff. Dec. 24,1952
Section 904, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap.V, §504, 54 Stat. 1172, related to repeals.Section 905, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap.V, §505, 54 Stat. 1174, related to separability clause.Section 906, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, subchap.V, §505, 54 Stat. 1174, related to effective date of chap-ter.Section 907, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title I, §1, 54Stat. 1137, related to short title of chapter.S
14, 1940In addition to the provisions from which former sec-tion 904 was taken, section 504 of act Oct. 14, 1940, spe-cifically repealed all or parts of the following: Title 8,§§1, 3, 5a–1, 5d, 5e, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9a, 11, 16, 17, 17a, 18, 106,106a, 106b, 106c, 351, 352, 353, 354, 356, 356a, 357, 358, 358a,360, 362, 364, 365, 366, 366a, 367, 368, 368a, 369, 369a, 372,372a, 373, 377, 377b, 377c, 378, 379, 380, 380a, 380b, 381, 382,382a, 382b, 382c, 384, 385, 386, 387, 388, 389, 390, 391, 392,392b, 392c note, 392d note, 392e, 392f, 392g, 393, 394, 395,396, 397, 398, 399, 399a, 399b, 399c, 399d, 399e, 399f, 400, 401,402, 403, 404, 405, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415; Title18, §§135, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143; Title 39, §324;Title 48, §733b; former Title 50 App., §202.
§§1001 to 1006. Repealed. June 27, 1952, ch. 477,title IV, §403(a)(42), 66 Stat. 280, eff. Dec. 24,1952
Section 1001, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title III, §701,as added Mar. 27, 1942, ch. 199, title X, §1001, 56 Stat. 182;amended Dec. 22, 1944, ch. 662, §1, 58 Stat. 886; Dec. 28,1945, ch. 590, §1(c)(1), 59 Stat. 658, related to exceptionsfrom certain requirements of naturalization of personsserving in the armed forces during World War II. Seesection 1440 of this title.Section 1002, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title III, §702,as added Mar. 27, 1942, ch. 199, title X, §1001, 56 Stat. 182;amended Dec. 22, 1944, ch. 662, §2, 58 Stat. 887, relatedto alien serving outside of jurisdiction of naturaliza-tion court. See section 1440 of this title.Section 1003, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title III, §703,as added Mar. 27, 1942, ch. 199, title X, §1001, 56 Stat. 183,related to waiver of notice to commissioner in case ofalien enemy. See section 1440 of this title.Section 1004, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title III, §704,as added Mar. 27, 1942, ch. 199, title X, §1001, 56 Stat. 183,related to persons excepted from former subchapter.See section 1440 of this title.Section 1005, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title III, §705,as added Mar. 27, 1942, ch. 199, title X, §1001, 56 Stat. 183,related to forms, rules and regulations. See section 1440of this title.
Section 1006, act Oct. 14, 1940, ch. 876, title III, §706,as added Dec. 28, 1945, ch. 590, §1(c)(2), 59 Stat. 658, re-lated to time of service limitation. See section 1440 ofthis title.
1101. Definitions.1102. Diplomatic and semidiplomatic immunities.1103. Powers and duties of the Secretary, the UnderSecretary, and the Attorney General.1104. Powers and duties of Secretary of State.1105. Liaison with internal security officers; dataexchange.1105a. Employment authorization for batteredspouses of certain nonimmigrants.1106. Repealed.1107. Additional report.SUBCHAPTER II—IMMIGRATIONP
 1151. Worldwide level of immigration.1151a. Repealed.1152. Numerical limitations on individual foreignstates.1153. Allocation of immigrant visas.1154. Procedure for granting immigrant status.1155. Revocation of approval of petitions; effectivedate.1156. Unused immigrant visas.1157. Annual admission of refugees and admissionof emergency situation refugees.1158. Asylum.1159. Adjustment of status of refugees.1160. Special agricultural workers.1161. Repealed.P
 1181. Admission of immigrants into the UnitedStates.1182. Inadmissible aliens.1182a to 1182c. Repealed.1182d. Denial of visas to confiscators of Americanproperty.1182e. Denial of entry into United States of foreignnationals engaged in establishment or en-forcement of forced abortion or steriliza-tion policy.1182f. Denial of entry into United States of Chineseand other nationals engaged in coercedorgan or bodily tissue transplantation.1183. Admission of aliens on giving bond or under-taking; return upon permanent departure.1183a. Requirements for sponsor’s affidavit of sup-port.1184. Admission of nonimmigrants.1184a. Philippine Traders as nonimmigrants.1185. Travel control of citizens and aliens.1186. Transferred.1186a. Conditional permanent resident status forcertain alien spouses and sons and daugh-ters.1186b. Conditional permanent resident status forcertain alien entrepreneurs, spouses, andchildren.1187. Visa waiver program for certain visitors.1187a. Provision of assistance to non-program coun-tries.1188. Admission of temporary H–2A workers.1189. Designation of foreign terrorist organiza-tions.P
 1201. Issuance of visas.
1201a. Repealed.1202. Application for visas.1203. Reentry permit.1204. Immediate relative and special immigrantvisas.1205. Repealed.P
, A
, E
 1221. Lists of alien and citizen passengers arrivingand departing.1222. Detention of aliens for physical and mentalexamination.1223. Entry through or from foreign territory andadjacent islands.1224. Designation of ports of entry for aliens arriv-ing by aircraft.1225. Inspection by immigration officers; expeditedremoval of inadmissible arriving aliens; re-ferral for hearing.1225a. Preinspection at foreign airports.1226. Apprehension and detention of aliens.1226a. Mandatory detention of suspected terrorists;habeas corpus; judicial review.1227. Deportable aliens.1228. Expedited removal of aliens convicted of com-mitting aggravated felonies.1229. Initiation of removal proceedings.1229a. Removal proceedings.1229b. Cancellation of removal; adjustment ofstatus.1229c. Voluntary departure.1230. Records of admission.1231. Detention and removal of aliens ordered re-moved.1232. Enhancing efforts to combat the traffickingof children.P
 1251. Transferred.1251a. Repealed.1252. Judicial review of orders of removal.1252a, 1252b. Transferred or Repealed.1252c. Authorizing State and local law enforcementofficials to arrest and detain certain illegalaliens.1253. Penalties related to removal.1254. Repealed.1254a. Temporary protected status.1254b. Collection of fees under temporary protectedstatus program.1255. Adjustment of status of nonimmigrant tothat of person admitted for permanent resi-dence.1255a. Adjustment of status of certain entrants be-fore January 1, 1982, to that of person ad-mitted for lawful residence.1255b. Adjustment of status of certain nonimmi-grants to that of persons admitted for per-manent residence.1256. Rescission of adjustment of status; effectupon naturalized citizen.1257. Adjustment of status of certain residentaliens to nonimmigrant status; exceptions.1258. Change of nonimmigrant classification.1259. Record of admission for permanent residencein the case of certain aliens who entered theUnited States prior to January 1, 1972.1260. Removal of aliens falling into distress.P
 1281. Alien crewmen.1282. Conditional permits to land temporarily.1283. Hospital treatment of alien crewmen afflictedwith certain diseases.1284. Control of alien crewmen.1285. Employment on passenger vessels of aliens af-flicted with certain disabilities.
1286. Discharge of alien crewmen; penalties.1287. Alien crewmen brought into the UnitedStates with intent to evade immigrationlaws; penalties.1288. Limitations on performance of longshorework by alien crewmen.P
 1301. Alien seeking entry; contents.1302. Registration of aliens.1303. Registration of special groups.1304. Forms for registration and fingerprinting.1305. Notices of change of address.1306. Penalties.P
 1321. Prevention of unauthorized landing of aliens.1322. Bringing in aliens subject to denial of admis-sion on a health-related ground; persons lia-ble; clearance papers; exceptions; ‘‘person’’defined.1323. Unlawful bringing of aliens into UnitedStates.1324. Bringing in and harboring certain aliens.1324a. Unlawful employment of aliens.1324b. Unfair immigration-related employmentpractices.1324c. Penalties for document fraud.1324d. Civil penalties for failure to depart.1325. Improper entry by alien.1326. Reentry of removed aliens.1327. Aiding or assisting certain aliens to enter.1328. Importation of alien for immoral purpose.1329. Jurisdiction of district courts.1330. Collection of penalties and expenses.P
 1351. Nonimmigrant visa fees.1352. Printing of reentry permits and blank formsof manifest and crew lists; sale to public.1353. Travel expenses and expense of transportingremains of officers and employees dyingoutside of United States.1353a. Officers and employees; overtime services;extra compensation; length of working day.1353b. Extra compensation; payment.1353c. Immigration officials; service in foreign con-tiguous territory.1353d. Disposition of money received as extra com-pensation.1354. Applicability to members of the ArmedForces.1355. Disposal of privileges at immigrant stations;rentals; retail sale; disposition of receipts.1356. Disposition of moneys collected under theprovisions of this subchapter.1357. Powers of immigration officers and employ-ees.1358. Local jurisdiction over immigrant stations.1359. Application to American Indians born in Can-ada.1360. Establishment of central file; informationfrom other departments and agencies.1361. Burden of proof upon alien.1362. Right to counsel.1363. Deposit of and interest on cash received to se-cure immigration bonds.1363a. Undercover investigation authority.1363b. Repealed1364. Triennial comprehensive report on immigra-tion.1365. Reimbursement of States for costs of incar-cerating illegal aliens and certain Cubannationals.1365a. Integrated entry and exit data system.1365b. Biometric entry and exit data system.1366. Annual report on criminal aliens.1367. Penalties for disclosure of information.
1368. Increase in INS detention facilities; report ondetention space.1369. Treatment of expenses subject to emergencymedical services exception.1370. Reimbursement of States and localities foremergency ambulance services.1371. Reports.1372. Program to collect information relating tononimmigrant foreign students and otherexchange program participants.1373. Communication between government agen-cies and the Immigration and Naturaliza-tion Service.1374. Information regarding female genital mutila-tion.1375. Repealed.1375a. Domestic violence information and resourcesfor immigrants and regulation of inter-national marriage brokers.1375b. Protections for domestic workers and othernonimmigrants.1375c. Protections, remedies, and limitations on is-suance for A–3 and G–5 visas.1376. Data on nonimmigrant overstay rates.1377. Collection of data on detained asylum seek-ers.1378. Collection of data on other detained aliens.1379. Technology standard to confirm identity.1380. Maintenance of statistics by the Departmentof Homeland Security.1381. Secretary of Labor report.SUBCHAPTER III—NATIONALITY ANDNATURALIZATIONP
 1401. Nationals and citizens of United States atbirth.1401a. Birth abroad before 1952 to service parent.1401b. Repealed.1402. Persons born in Puerto Rico on or after April11, 1899.1403. Persons born in the Canal Zone or Republic ofPanama on or after February 26, 1904.1404. Persons born in Alaska on or after March 30,1867.1405. Persons born in Hawaii.1406. Persons living in and born in the Virgin Is-lands.1407. Persons living in and born in Guam.1408. Nationals but not citizens of the UnitedStates at birth.1409. Children born out of wedlock.P
 1421. Naturalization authority.1422. Eligibility for naturalization.1423. Requirements as to understanding theEnglish language, history, principles andform of government of the United States.1424. Prohibition upon the naturalization of per-sons opposed to government or law, or whofavor totalitarian forms of government.1425. Ineligibility to naturalization of desertersfrom the Armed Forces.1426. Citizenship denied alien relieved of service inArmed Forces because of alienage.1427. Requirements of naturalization.1428. Temporary absence of persons performing re-ligious duties.1429. Prerequisite to naturalization; burden ofproof.1430. Married persons and employees of certainnonprofit organizations.1431. Children born outside the United States andresiding permanently in the United States;conditions under which citizenship auto-matically acquired; determinations of nameand birth date.